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What would you expect

from a group of young lads

that want to take the city by storm?

When you try to launch a fragrance that establish a connection with the young people, you have to talk their talk,

you have to walk their walk, and you have to express as they express, you have to scream and vibrate as they scream and vibrate, for Hilfiger Denim, a brand that embraces youth and rock as part of their core Dna,

it seems the simpler the most powerful. Let’s get as loud as possible.

What if we take what the 'aged neighbours' don't like about us and make it our core?

You know, it is about rock...



A fragance with attitude more than with an identity, playing with youth codes, and emotions. Censorship, roughness, industrial and punk,

glass, vinyl and pure sound, combined with

a fashion curated aesthetic

Develop an identity and packaging that should embrace not only the attitude but as well the brand, appealing to youth target in their codes, it is not about saying you are young, is about behaving young, using combined luxury materials with the punk roughness, vinyl vintage mixed with modern colours, waves as sound, and music, capturing the explosion of emotions of youth.


If it wasn't for 

rock 'n' roll

I would never

have been in 


Tommy Hilfiger —
Fashion Icon

Getting Loud Samples

The print circuit on magazines where about creating a product sample, with a young and passionate twist.
Removing the youth clamp, and revealing through a explicit act of freedom the fragrance.
Liberating the young generation, freeing their voice, letting them to be Loud.


Campaign visual was developed as a hugely long stripe, this one single asset open the creation of hundreds of visuals with different crops and intensities. All the product categories were merged in a seamless action, accessories, shoes, shirts, bags, the visual developed as a never ending carrousel reinforces not only the punk attitude, spontaneity, noisiness and energy, capturing the GET LOUD fragrance launch, and as well the never ending fun of youth.


Let's get f***ing loud!

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